Ingeborg Zackariassen,

Ingeborg Zackariassen (NO) is an artist/choreographer/writer based in Gothenburg, Sweden. She has an MFA in Contemporary Performative Arts from the University of Gothenburg.

After a 24-year career with GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, Skånes Dansteater and Norwegian National Ballet, she continues to be an active performer and choreographer on the independent art scene.

In addition to Springback Magazine, her writing has been published by Arbetaren, Danstidningen, Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift, Tidskriften Horisont and Scenkonstguiden. She was awarded an international critic’s grant from Creative Europe Culture Programme: Beyond Front@ Bridging Periphery 2024/25.

Ingeborg is co-founder and artistic director of No Deadline and co-curator of the annual art festival Rabbit/Duck.

IG: @ingeborg_zackariassen

Media by Ingeborg Zackariassen
Read Icon A rousing response for Silvia Gribaudi and MM Contemporary Dance Company in Grand Jeté. © Lars Opstad


CODA Festival Oslo: dance connects us