
Jelena Mihelčić, Croatia

Jelena Mihelčić is a journalist, dance writer and a public relations consultant living in Zagreb, Croatia. She has been writing about dance and making dance related videos since 2002. While working in an advertising agency, she was also the Head of Marketing and Communications for Croatian Dance Network. She joined Springback Academy in 2016.

Social profiles: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter

Media by Jelena Mihelčić
Read Icon woman in red top, blue sleeves and ochre shorts, in a shoulder stand with legs in the air. The right leg has a prosthesis below the knee. Behind her are draped fabric curtains of different cuts and colours, and a tower made of foam offcuts


Dance+: Material Bodies

Read Icon Susie (Dakota Johnson) in the first dance scene from Luca Guadgnino’s Suspiria (2018)


Dance+: Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria

Read Icon composite of YouTube thumbnails for Nuria Guiu Sagarra’s Likes and Premier Stratagème’s Forecasting


Shape of YouTube

Read Icon Jasna Vinovrški’s solo Lady Justice


Jasna Vinovrški: Lady Justice