Photo of Núria Guiu’s yoga-dance-YouTube mashup, Likes, Taiwan Dance Platform 2018


Núria Guiu Sagarra

In a comfortable manner Núria Guiu Sagarra poses her anthropological question “how do online ‘likes’ determine the way we present ourselves?” As a participant observer, Núria has attempted to gain followers by posting cover choreographies and yoga tutorials online. She translates her reflections to the stage, flowing between asanas and hot pop moves, in an entrancing sequence that creates space to meditate upon her previous ‘lecture’.

From a yoga plank, she neglects her inward gaze, to turn her head and see if we are looking. Núria repeats this enquiring look throughout the piece. Are her moves pleasing? Or should she angle her body a little more? Or change her clothes? Or use a new colour filter just in case?

Núria doesn’t force feed us any straightforward judgements, instead, the brilliance of the piece relies on the way it leaves our brain loading.

Ana Vallejos Cotter

Ana Vallejos Cotter

Núria Guiu Sagarra begins her show with a potted lecture. Her chatty style makes easy listening. She tells us that after her anthropological explorations, she’s construed that ‘likes’ on the inter-net are ‘ungraspable objects of mercantile value’. How this affects the body is the study-in-case she leads us through using multiplying internet yoga trends and the viral phenomenon of dance-covers as test examples.

She deconstructs a sample of a said dance-cover to shreds of Ed Sheeran; overlays gyrating music video moves with serious ‘dance-speak’ description. Her yoga asana morph into twerking. And, as her super supple sequences accelerate, she peals off first her sweat pants, then yoga leggings, then underwear. As the lighting dims to disco-tech level on stage the house lights are raised and we are caught eagerly clapping her naked revelling. She’s making her point. Her highly articulate body trumps the all the talk.

Oonagh Duckworth