We operate from the field of contemporary dance in Europe, especially its independent arts sector working through cross-border exchanges.
As contemporary dance evolves and traditional media decline, we cultivate dance discourse, communication and commentary that is thoughtful in principle, vivid in presentation, accessible in practice and independent in spirit.
We believe that critical and communicative dance discourses are beneficial to dance as a whole. That these discourses should be lively, open and pleasurable rather than academic, laborious or insular. And that criticism, contemplation and creativity work better together than apart.
Springback AAA
Participants enter and can move through Springback along a ‘triple-A’ pathway:
Academy the gateway
A short, intensive and mentored review-writing programme that runs alongside Aerowaves’ annual Spring Forward festival.
Assembly & Magazine the route
Participants have the possibility to follow through from the Academy by attending an annual Assembly, which hosts live encounters between the writers and a local festival; and by contributing to this Magazine.
Alliance the field
A flexible network formed by the Springback participants, acting as a field of skills, knowledge and co-operation open to projects, commissions and partnerships.