Supernaturals, Martina Hajdyla Lacová & Stano Dobák. Photo © Lucie Doležalová


ME-SA / Martina Hajdyla Lacová & Stano Dobák

SuperNaturals is like a series of very oddly chosen exercises for wannabe superheroes. The two performers seem to have a visceral need to fight everything that comes their way, even the neatly lined chairs on stage. But most importantly, they have to compete with and overcome each other. The fight with the elements and one another never stops, not even for the brief moment it takes to remove a pair of trousers. It’s a long time before they realise they could join forces, but even then, their efforts never leave the territory of the foolish and ordinary. Maybe they don’t even need to – maybe it’s just all for their own fun.

In the final scene we watch the couple’s family photo album projected on a big screen, themselves donning Superman/Superwoman costumes. The problem is, it’s all photo-shopped. And just like they fail to become real superheroes, their piece fails to become genuinely meaningful.

Lena Megyeri

Did you think superheroes have exciting private lives? They don’t! They end up sitting in front of the television, eating popcorn and getting fat just like anybody else. Before reaching this point, however, their relationship is full of explicit and sometimes hidden rivalry. Being two strong individuals they may love each other, but in the end, egos always win. That’s a good springboard for performers Martina Hajdyla Lacová and Stano Dobák to build their duet on. They’ve created partnering full of humorous teasing and flow. However, I felt the performers tried to show, or rather simulate, a specific plot (which entailed repetition), that, unfortunately, I couldn’t decode. All the images remained vague for me. Seeing four chairs in two rows, I expected some physical action that would demonstrate their supernatural skills, but none was forthcoming. If you don’t know the title, these two performers could be just any normal human beings.

Ola Fraitova